Diamonds are perhaps the most captivating stones used in jewellery, appreciated for their radiance and coveted for their exclusivity. With strong global demand for diamonds, it is no wonder why most jewellery pieces comprise diamonds to enhance the overall beauty of the piece.

However, if you believe diamonds are uncommon, you might definitely not believe in coloured diamonds. Right? Well, as per the stats, the odds of discovering a coloured diamond are limited, with just one coloured diamond out of every 100,000 mined. And that figure does not even begin to reflect the exceedingly uncommon colours seen in diamonds. There are many interesting facts regarding coloured diamonds, and this blog delves into the subject of coloured diamonds in depth.

A Brief About Coloured Diamonds

While diamonds are generally perceived to be colourless, they have a visible colour when seen from the top. This colour might be subtle, localised, bright, very vivid, or very light. The sole need for a diamond to be termed “Coloured” is that it should be noticeable to the human eye. Because of their rarity and unique look, paired with the durability of a diamond, they command a higher market price.

How Coloured Diamonds Are Formed?

Coloured diamonds originate deep beneath the earth’s surface, under massive heat and pressure, between 900 million and 3.2 billion years ago. They, too, are essentially composed of carbon atoms; but small amounts of foreign atoms per million carbon atoms or structural flaws can cause them to shift from colourless to colored.

Diamonds are produced over billions of years as a result of the earth’s pressure and heat. They are a particular type of crystalline carbon that forms throughout this time period. A diamond is composed entirely of carbon, white or colourless. However, this level of precision in diamonds is extremely unusual since there are often some metallic flaws or enhancements within the diamond.

While these flaws may appear to be little imperfections within a diamond, on rare occasions, they can affect the play of light, resulting in a different wavelength exiting the diamond. Buyers should not be put off with these flaws as these colour-causing imperfections are the reason these diamonds are so precious. Also, diamond stones are more durable than any other.

Where Coloured Diamonds Are Sourced From?

While diamonds are extracted from multiple sites worldwide, colour diamonds are only found in a few regions. It is due to the mineral composition of the earth’s crust. For instance, The Argyle Mines in Australia is a well-known supplier of coloured diamonds. Also, the Golconda Mines in India were formerly home to some of the most renowned coloured diamonds ever discovered.

Coloured diamonds are rarer, yet this just adds to the diamond’s worth. KGK Group, one of the leading diamond distributors in Hong Kong understands the value of delivering quality, especially when it comes to the diamond trade. This is what makes us the best quality diamond distributors. If you wish to get high-quality diamonds, get in touch with our professionals today.
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