Month: January 2020

5 Of The Rarest Gemstones On Earth

Rarest of the Rare: Gemstones Gemstones are rare occurrences on this earth, with the sparkling stones forming over
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Gemstone Battle: Coloured Diamonds vs. Coloured Sapphires

Two Distinctive Beauties: Coloured Diamonds vs Sapphires The Earth has for us that treasure that nobody has yet
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How Can Jewellers Capture Every Particle Of Their Gold Waste?

Your Gold Dust Is A Gold Mine Making jewellery out of gold is one of the most novel
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How KGK Expanded Throughout the World

Redefining the way to customer’s heart Over a century, KGK has grown to become a trusted and respected
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7 Fascinating Facts About Rubies

The Gemstone with the Essence of Love and Vibrancy A fiery gem in the world of the gemstone
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JNA 2020

JNA MagazineJan/Feb 2020 Click image
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KGK Jewellery Manufacturing (Thailand) Limited
KGK Realty

Martin Flyer
Gregg Ruth